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Diverse Learning Environments

Baby Room

There is a whole floor dedicated to providing the right environment for babies. The babies have a loving friendly and relaxed atmosphere even down the classical music, dance music, baby tv, nursery songs and rhymes. There is an endless supply of resources and age appropriate equipment. Babies stay in the baby room until they are ready to move to Waddlers’, when they are ready, we will discuss this with parents / guardians. We will do trials until the baby has settled and parents are happy for us to undertake the move.

Our baby room is a home from home environment where your baby will receive all the love and attention they need. The nursery will work closely with parents and endeavour to accommodate all reasonable requests to help families build a routine that suits their child’s needs. Babies will have opportunities for lots of fun activities as well as times for rest and sleep. Carefully selected toys help to encourage early stages of development. Your baby’s comfort, happiness, health, and well-being are paramount. Daily records will be sent home with your child. Babies have access to many activities such as ball pit, sand and water play, messy play, puzzles, push/pull toys, construction, home corner, reading area, painting and creative with many other resources such as playdough and sensory experiences such as textures, tastes, smells and sounds. 


All food, drink, sleep, and nappy changes are recorded on their daily routine sheet.  Fresh home cooked foods will be blended and chopped depending on your baby’s stage. We have bouncy chairs for tiny babies to relax and feed in and highchairs for babies that are sitting up. Cots, beds, and prams are available for sleep and rest times. Babies will not share the same blankets and sleep times will be monitored and recorded.  


Babies and Children have free access to the outdoor area.  However, they may be divided for quieter times and group activities with key workers.  These steps will be in conjunction with parents and carers who will be included each step of the way. We have been advised as most of you will know that fresh air is the safest option during this pandemic. We will therefore use the outdoors far more during all weathers. Please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing to enable them to participate outdoors. We do have puddle suits for splashing about in muddy puddles.


English will be the preferred spoken language throughout your baby’s day. However, incidental Welsh will be used throughout their daily routine, as well as promoted through songs/stories and other stimulus. Wall displays and labelling will include both English and Welsh.  Multicultural resources are also used and displayed within the Nursery.


Babies will not have access to the staff toilet, kitchen, or storage cupboards.


Babies daily planning is guided through the principles of Birth to Three Matters and Desirable Outcomes.



The Waddlers’ have everything they need to play, relax and be adventurous. They are always busy with our daily planned activities. There are age appropriate toys and equipment in the room and access to our outdoor garden and play areas. Where possible we follow The Foundation Phase for Wales and cover all areas of learning. Children will enjoy a wide variety of activities that provide them with opportunities to learn new skills. Throughout the day we will have various activities including singing, dance, stories, sand, and water, play dough, painting etc. Educational toys and equipment will also be available i.e. shape sorting, puzzles, stacking and threading. There will be activities and opportunities to develop sensory experiences such as different textures, tastes, smells, colours and sounds through activities like messy play, printing, and cooking.


Children will have access to the secure large outdoor area where they will have lots of large Motor control equipment for their development. Trikes, playhouses, musical area, sand and water, craft, reading, role play areas are available for continuous provision. Also, children have access to a small, designated garden area which helps to promote many areas of development through planting/growing activities where children take care of plant materials. Digging is promoted in earth filled tyres to help their imaginative and exploring

needs. Also, children in the Waddlers and Toddlers area may occasionally join for specific activities.  However, the dividing doors separating both areas will remain closed.

Waddlers will not have access to the foyer area or the kitchen area.

Toddlers and Preschool

In the toddler area we have excellent routines with educational stimulation through play. We always make their days fun filled. Our rooms are tailored to provide simulating play where the children are encouraged to use their imagination. We have lots of space for fun play, relaxation, and messy play. Our toys are regularly replenished to ensure we always have exciting and new equipment. We play outside and learn about the environment. We love to grow things in our garden. When it is raining, we use our Waterproof Wet suits to play outside. Our big children have many areas of learning, such as toy computers, writing area, creative area, music, home corner and many more. Listening, speaking and language activities ensure that children can express themselves confidently. Children will be encouraged to share and socialise with their friends.


Our aim is to develop positive values, independence, and self-confidence, and will provide many opportunities for them to discover, question, experience, find out, explore, imagine, experiment etc. All children will have access to lots of outdoor play which is safe and secure and allows them the opportunity to develop gross/fine motor skills, good muscle control and coordination.


We start to encourage potty training when your child is ready and support you when you are potty training at home. Children will not have access to the staff toilet.


Please ensure your child has suitable outdoor clothing and footwear. A change of clothes must be kept in their own bag on their coat peg.


This area will be shared by both age ranges for sleep time. Each child will have their own labelled sleeping bag / blanket. Children that do not want to sleep will remain in the Waddler area for quieter activities.

Child Development

Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of Learning and Development are equally important and inter-connected. We incorporate all areas of learning in our weekly planning and focused activities. We follow the principles of the Foundation Phase, Desirable Outcomes and Every Child Matters to enhance our planning. All our areas will have activities designed around the seven learning outcomes: ∙ Knowledge and Understanding of the World. ∙ Personal and Social Development, Well Being and Culture Diversity ∙ Language, Literacy and Communication skills ∙ Welsh development ∙ Mathematics Development ∙ Creative Development ∙ Physical Development – gross motor and fine motor.


All our children will be encouraged to join in activities that are suitable for their age, stage, and ability. Whilst at the nursery children will learn from hands on experience and experimenting and will be able to lead and choose activities. The nursery will supply continuous, enhanced, and focused provision that will encourage the children to become independent learners. We welcome children with additional needs, wherever necessary we will train staff to ensure the standard of care required is met. We will strive to offer the highest possible standard of care and security for all the children whilst in our nursery

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